Fast + Epp joins Association for Restoration of Mannheim Gridshell
April 3, 2017
The city of Mannheim, Germany, has created an association to raise funds for the preservation of a unique structure: the Multihalle Gridshell. Designed by Pritzker prize winner Frei Otto in 1974, the timber lattice roof structure, comprising of wooden slats spaced every 50 centimeters, forms the world’s largest self-supporting timber gridshell. As early as 2015, a working group led by Fast + Epp presented a concept for the restoration that would turn the temporary structure into a permanent building. A long-time supporter of the preservation of this cultural monument, Fast + Epp forms a part of the association, furthering our commitment to the preservation of the Gridshell.
“I admire the pioneer Frei Otto. It was only through the artful combination of structure and architecture that it was possible to develop such an unusual filigree structure. Our preserving the Multihalle will shine a light on Frei Otto to be honoured as an architect of his time”, Dr. Jochen Stahl explaining the commitment of Fast + Epp to this project.
For more information about the Multihalle e.V. association or to become a member, visit the website http://www.mannheim-multihalle.de/